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USB Missile Launcher Linux Driver

USBMissileLauncher is user space Linux driver to control the the USB Missile Launcher (Vendor ID: 0x1130, Product ID: 0x0202) and/or the USB Circus Cannon (Vendor ID: 0x1941, Product ID: 0x8021) via the command line or keyboard (simple C implemenation).

As seen in:

Demo Control Video

Keyboard Control Keys

  • Up Arrow - Move Up
  • Down Arrow - Move Down
  • Left Arrow - Move Left
  • Right Arrow - Move Right
  • F Key - Fire Missile
  • S Key - Stop Moving


  1. Download the USBMissileLauncher-1.5 code tarball.
  2. Uncompress the tarball and untar the code
    tar xvfz USBMissileLauncher-1.5.tgz
  3. Go to source directory.
    cd USBMissileLauncher-1.5
  4. If USBMissileLauncher-1.0, remove the usb core modules (requires root/sudo access).
    sudo rmmod {e,o,u}hci-hcd hid
  5. Compile the code
  6. Install the code (requires root/sudo access)
    sudo make install
  7. Control the device from the command line:
    1. For the USB Missile Launcher device (Vendor ID: 0x1130, Product ID: 0x0202):
      ./USBMissileLauncherUtils -L
      ./USBMissileLauncherUtils -R
      ./USBMissileLauncherUtils -U -S 100
      ./USBMissileLauncherUtils -R -U -F
    2. For the USB Circus Cannon device (Vendor ID: 0x1941, Product ID: 0x8021):
      ./USBMissileLauncherUtils -t 2 -L
      ./USBMissileLauncherUtils -t 2 -R
      ./USBMissileLauncherUtils -t 2 -U -S 100
      ./USBMissileLauncherUtils -t 2 -R -U -F
    This will move the USB Missile Launcher (or USB Cirus Cannon) left, right, then up however stops after 100ms and then finally moves simutaniously right, up and fires a missile.
  8. Control the device from the keyboard located at /dev/input/event0:
    1. For the USB Missile Launcher device:
      sudo ./USBMissileLauncherUtils -c /dev/input/event0
    2. For the USB Cirus Cannon device:
      sudo ./USBMissileLauncherUtils -t 2 -c /dev/input/event0


  • Linux
  • libusb-dev
  • USB Missile Launcher and/or USB Circus Cannon

Current Release


Release Notes

USBMissileLauncher-1.5 - November 19, 2008

Finally, after a long awaited release: a new package to fix some minor bugs, but more importantly to include support to control the USB Circus Cannon (Vendor ID: 0x1941, Product ID: 0x8021).

USBMissileLauncher-1.0 - June 1, 2006

Initial code release. This release contains a command line program to control the M&S USB Missile Launcher (Vendor ID: 0x1130, Product ID: 0x0202) from the command line or keyboard.


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