Lucid Dreaming

As you may have guessed I love dreaming. I find it most enjoyable and fascinating. I love when I lucid dream as its like the matrix. In the past year I’ve read much about inducing lucid dreams and decided that its time to start a dream journal. So I started the online dream journal available at it seems quite good, since it each entry forces you to discuss particular features such as:

  • Was it lucid? if so, how did you know
  • What was the genre?
  • What characters were in it?
  • What dream signs were in it?

It also allows you to make your dream entry public or private. Which is great so you can read other peoples dreams and comment on them if you like.

I’ve had 2 lucid dreams this year, so lets hope I can force this to be 1 per night.

One thing that comes to mind is: I wonder if lucid dreaming is good or bad for you? If dreaming is used to organise your daily sensory inputs – then maybe when you control your dreams you damage the process organising your daily sensory inputs. However if dreaming is a way to move through the multiverse then maybe it helps you live/experience the multiverse – and hence is a great thing.

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